Thursday 24 March 2011

Wednesday 9 March 2011

Current Defined

a. Belonging to the present time: current events; current leaders.
b. Being in progress now: current negotiations.
2. Passing from one to another; circulating: current bills and coins.
3. Prevalent, especially at the present time: current fashions.
4. Running; flowing.
1. A steady, smooth onward movement: a current of air from a fan; a current of spoken words.
2. The part of a body of liquid or gas that has a continuous onward movement: rowed out into the river's swift current.
3. A general tendency, movement, or course.
4. Symbol i, I Electricity
a. A flow of electric charge.
b. The amount of electric charge flowing past a specified circuit point per unit time.


Tuesday 1 March 2011