Wednesday 6 October 2010

Hot Holes

Most of the field names on Simeon Foster's farm are self-explanatory but the origin of the name of Upper and Lower Hot Holes is more puzzling.

Given the presence locally of mineral springs and wells there could be a connection to water. Alternatively the 'hot holes' may have some connection to the mining and mineral exploitation hereabouts. Another option is the presence of peat (as at 'Peat Bank Piece') it seems unlikely perhaps but this recent report from Mali suggests one possibility:

'Red hot earth beneath the desert sands of Mali is caused by naturally burning peat deposits - not volcanos, as previously thought - a field expedition has found.

Soil in the Timbuktu region sporadically seems to bake, fumes spew from glowing-hot holes and trees and scrub burn from the roots.' The Guardian 10/07/03

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