Wednesday 6 October 2010

Some Definitions

From the Shorter Oxford English Dictionary:

Alum A whitish transparent mineral salt, crystallizing in octahedrons, very astringent; chemically a double sulphate of aluminium potassium.

Health 1. Soundness of body; that condition in which its functions are duly discharged. 2. Hence, the general condition of the body. 4. Spiritual, moral, or mental soundness; salvation. 5. Well-being, safety; deliverance.

Wealth 1. The condition of being happy and prosperous; well-being.

Welfare The state or condition of doing or being well; good fortune, happiness, or well-being (of a person, community, or thing); prosperity.

Well from the Old English wella wave and Old Norse vella boiling heat, ebullition 1. A spring of water rising to the surface of the earth and forming a small pool or flowing in a spring b. A spring of water supposed to be of miraculous origin or to have supernatural healing powers; also, a medicinal or mineral spring 2b. That from which something springs or arises; a source or origin 3. A pit dug into the ground to obtain a supply of spring-water; spec. a vertical excavation, usu. circular in form and lined with masonry, sunk to such a depth as to penetrate a water-bearing stratum.

Well In a state of good fortune, welfare or happiness.

Well-being The state of being or doing well in life; happy, healthy, or prosperous condition; welfare.

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