Tuesday 5 October 2010

Water III

As well as the 'stinking ditch' and the inauspicious brook there is another watery subject in this part of Walsall - wells.

Our site includes parts of two historic fields alluding to wells - 'Well Piece' and 'Alumwell Close'. Documentary evidence records an alum well on the site of the manor and its moat - 'There was an alum well in the Moat Hill area. In 1855 it was stated to contain a strong chalybeate water and formerly to have been a place of much resort, although lately fallen into disuse'. Today this well's presence is recorded in 'Alumwell Road' a couple of streets to the east of the site.

Chalybeate water was believed to have health-giving properties through its high levels of iron. It could also have had an industrial purpose as alum has been used as fix for natural cloth dyes.

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